
 today i gonna introduce an album of Bruno Mars in 2010 -- Doo-Wops & Hooligans

 this album contains lots of his classic famous works. 

in Doo-Wops & Hooligans, the song that people know most  is "Just the Way You Are", but actually there's another touching songs.

and now i want to introuduce  some songs for you.


1. Grenade   (its lyric's so touching the heart.)


The first sentence of the lyrics explosively points 

"Easy come, easy go, that's just how you live,Oh, take, take, take it all but you never give "   rally attracts me.

the lyric describe that in a relantionship, someone always gave all he had but the other just took it and tossed it in the trash,

but she would never do the same.

when the song played to the refrain, tells the man would do everything for her, but, the last lyrics said "But you won't do the same."

with the melody goes, the song really catch people's heart.


2. Just the Way You Are 


everyone is familiar with this song.  describing the scene of the eye of the beholder.

with lively rhythm, it can be a new classic love song.


3. Runaway Baby 


it seems like a light and lively song, but when u listen to the lyric carefully, you'd find that it tells a dangerous situation lol.

but still a cute song.


4. lazy song 


somehow i think this song is suitable for alarm tone!

and it's press close to the people's life that sometimes we just don't want to do anything, don't want to answer the phone, just wanna lay in the bed.

really like the context and the lazy melody lol.


5. Talking to the Moon  


when i first listened to this song, it's a girl friend sang. and i was impressed by the lyric.

actually it's describe a kind of pity sad silly and stupid scene. but sometimes we'll encounter the situation.

and i love the refrain lyric most

"at night when the stars light upon my room, i sit by myself

talking to the moon, try to get to you 

in hope you are on the other side, talking to me too 

or am i a fool   who sits alone 

talking to the moon "

and i could said in this album, Talking to the Moon is my favorite one. 



1. Grenade:(a small explosive bomb thrown by hand or fired from a missile)  手榴彈  n.


(1)throw the hand grenade (扔手榴彈)

ex: Protestor in Northern Afghanistan threw a hand grenade into U.S. base and injured seven American Special Forces.


(2)hold the grenade 拿手榴彈

Ex:she screamed and pulled the hand grenade pin. And then held the grenade at her chest.



2.wolf in sheepsclothing 批著羊皮的狼

Ex: Don't belive in his words. He's a wolf in sheepsclothing.



3.blade -- (the flat part of a tool or weapon that (usually) has a cutting edge) 刀口、刀片 n.

Ex: Please be careful. The blade is very sharp.



4.lounge (v.) -- (sit or recline comfortably;  休息(以非常舒服的姿勢)

Ex:He was lounging on the sofa



5.strut -- (a proud stiff pompous gait) 昂首闊步

Ex: I thought she was a girl with confidence because she usually strut on the street and enjoyed people's attention.




Bruno Mars's special vocal indeed add color to this album. 

but the catchy melodies and touching lyrics are really the main cause of the sucess for this album.  





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